
Show or hide item (or items) in PivotTable for a certain field.
Passing PivotTable name in PivotName, then name of field to be filtered
Then Pass 1 in Show1_or_Hide2 to show these items, or pass 2 in it to hide them
Then finally, the actual item to be showen/hidden, or list of items separated by Sepa (default to |)
Will return 1 if applied with no errors, returns 0 if there was an error.

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Original Work
Function PivotTable_ShowHideItems(PivotName, PivotField, PivotItems, Show1_Or_Hide2, Optional Sepa = "|", Optional WB = "This", Optional Shee="Active")
    ' Show or hide item (or items) in PivotTable for a certain field.
    ' Passing PivotTable name in PivotName, then name of field to be filtered
    ' Then Pass 1 in Show1_or_Hide2 to show these items, or pass 2 in it to hide them
    ' Then finally, the actual item to be showen/hidden, or list of items separated by Sepa (default to |)
    ' Will return 1 if applied with no errors, returns 0 if there was an error.
    If WB = "This" Then WB = ThisWorkbook.Name
    If WB = "Active" Then WB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    If Shee = "Active" Then Shee = ActiveSheet.Name
    Rett = 0
    ShowTrue = True
    If Show1_Or_Hide2 = 2 Then ShowTrue = False
    On Error Resume Next
    With Workbooks(WB).Worksheets(Shee).PivotTables(PivotName).PivotFields(PivotField)
        For Each Itt in Split(PivotItems , Sepa)
            If ItT > "" Then
                .PivotItems(ItT).Visible = ShowTrue
            End If
    End With
    If Err.Number = 0 Then Rett = 1
    On Error Goto 0
    PivotTable_ShowHideItems = Rett
End Function

PivotName, PivotField, PivotItems, Show1_Or_Hide2, Optional Sepa = "|", Optional WB = "This", Optional Shee="Active"

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