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Card image cap

Gets images in a folder where filenames start with "User" Similar to function ...

Card image cap

Searches for an image and return the file extension of found, or returns null ...

Card image cap
ANBSThumbImg + ANBSThumbLink

Creates thumb of an image with or without link to original Use ANBSThumbLink ...

Card image cap
jQuery File Upload

File upload widget Handles images and other types, with php, go and python ...

Card image cap
Magick SVGs to GIFs

Convert SVG files into GIF preserving the transparency, in bulk ' Used to ...

Card image cap

Create thumbnail on fly using JS From

Card image cap

PHP Thumb is a light-weight image manipulation library aimed at thumbnail ...

Card image cap

jquery plugin for easy creating loading css3 animations Simple to use. ...

Card image cap
img-2 lazy loading

A library to delay load images as needed From

Card image cap

Gallery plugin in jQuery from

Card image cap

Opens an image using Irfanview (i_view32.exe attached which also inscludes a ...

Card image cap

Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...

Card image cap
fotorama 4.6.4

jQuery photo gallery Dont you just love those small simple libraries that do ...

Card image cap

Converts an image from any image into any image using IrfanView command line ...

Card image cap

A nice and new lightbox, modal, or whatever you call it (version 1.7.13) From ...

Card image cap
Fancybox v3 apply

The newest version, made with mobile swipe in mind, and has a lot of features, ...