Search results 99
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Checks (and/or removes) if an item was found in list of items and return 1 if ...

Checks if string has all words from ANStr inside Retuns 0 if not found or ...

Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...

Match5_5thNot0 and Match6_6thNot0
Searches for 4 cells in 4 columns then checks for 5th column to not equal zero ...

Cleans an array of 2 dimensions from blank in 1st column. Similar to

RegSave, RegRead, RegDelete
Windows Registry read, save and delete branch node or key. Three functions use ...

Unblock blocked macros.
Unblock macros in file copied or downloaded from another machine. Excel keeps ...

Checks if String starts with certain char and ends with certain char Or one of ...

Between2int and Between2intinc
Checks if number between two numbers, with or without considering those numbers. ...