Creates a hyperlink to URL or to cell inside a cell in Excel VBA (or delete it).
This is Hyperlink as Insert > Hyperlink and not as Hyperlink function.
Option to add hyperlink to online link, to a cell giving full cell address like [workbook.xlsx]Sheet1!A1, or as parts of workbook, worksheet and cell address.
If none of URL, FullAddress or CellAddress is given, that hyperlink will be deleted
More examples:
Puts link in Sheet2!G7 of this workbook to certain cell in certain workbook/worksheet
CellSave_Hyperlink "G7", , "[Workbook1.xlsb]Sheet5!D3:D6", , , , "Sheet2", "Main.xlsb", "Client List"
Edit 2024-03-22: Found issue and fix in adding hyperlink to URL
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Linkedin LoginCellSave_Hyperlink "G4", , , "A1"
Put link in cell G5 that jumps to cell A1 in sheet Main in same workbook, with caption of "Back"
CellSave_Hyperlink "G5" , , , "A1", "Main", , , , "Back"
Puts link in cell G6 of sheet "Cmd" that jumps to website, link name is "About" and screen tip is "About Programmer"
CellSave_Hyperlink "G6", "", , , , , "Cmd", , "About", "About Programmer")
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