
ANmarAmdeen 3M62Ihum9O

Original codes since Apr 2018

476 Imported | 1,159 Total
683 Original
984 Tested | 175 UnTested
984 Tested


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GetPapa + GetSon with variances

Gets the parent folder full name from a path Also Gets the son of a full path. ...

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Gets no of columns in an HTML table. It actually gets the maximum number of ...

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Gets the maximum number from an array. Like

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Cleans an array of 2 dimensions from blank in 1st column. Similar to

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Finds the number of occurrence of a "Numeric" inside a string having a certain ...

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COunts unique cells found in a column. Passing sheetname, workbook name and ...

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Rounds a number to nearest identifier up. Like 105 up to nearest 20 ...

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Walking Columns (Scrollable Columns-Chart)

Allow users to scroll through columns in column-chart. Used chart.js, this is ...

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Font-Based progress bar

Show progress bar using fonts only. Neat trick to use inside HTML or word ...

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Checks if passed addresses are referring to same cell regardless of ...

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Returns type of the cell address, A1 or R1C1 If multiple cells passed, the ...

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Generating list of files in a folder. One file to do that. I know this has ...

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Return safe URL after converting critical chars to whatever passed in SafeChar

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RegSave, RegRead, RegDelete

Windows Registry read, save and delete branch node or key. Three functions use ...

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Excel 2408 bug

Serious bug in Office update that was pushed Aug 26th. At least from Excel ...

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Get boot time

Get the last time Windows 10 was started. Needed this quickly for research.