Extract certain text from another text based on Rules defined, like extracting string from HTML pages
Expected rule syntax = Searchfor{|}Then for{|}Then for{|}Then cut between this{~}and this{|}
One of my most proud functions so far.
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InString, ExtractRules
ExtractRule = Searchfor{|}Then for{|}Then for{|}Then cut between this{~}and this{|}
InString= Meaning if you have a text block like this, the searchfor function above will get then for then for then for then cut between this along other text found inside and this
output will be ... " along other text found inside "
ExtractRule = Searchfor{|}Then for{|}Then for{|}Then cut between this{~}and this{|}
InString= Meaning if you have a text block like this, the searchfor function above will get then for then for then for then cut between this along other text found inside and this
output will be ... " along other text found inside "
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