ANmaBrowser v20.19.01

Single file, Classic ASP, Bootstrap 4.1 and FontAwesome 5.0 file manager.
Allows you to Browse all website, create new file or folder, delete files or empty folders, upload files, and edit text files.
Just copy the file ANmaBrowser.asp into any folder, then direct your browser to it.
Protected with password that is recommended to change it before doing anything else.

Check Demo here

What is this?



Original Work
Recent version is v20.19.01

Got tired of not finding what I need everytime I have new website, just wanted to have a simple file manager allows me to control the content of my FTP.
Found this called SiteMan.asp, an old script, took it, enhanced it, made it simpler, added bootstrap and FontAwesome (free versions) and here we are.
Calls Bootstrap and FontAwesome using online library, no need to have them installed.

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