
Finds three dates after each other in one paragraph. Needed to locate numbers as in example.
The format of date is not configurable, that can be in next version

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Original Work
Function DateDateDate(Stri, AgainstDate, Flag1_RightColEdgar, Optional DateFormat = "mmmm dd, yyyy")
    ' Finds location of Date, Date, date inside Stri
    ' Having AgainstDate as 1st of those three dates
    ' example
    ' Common stock (par value $1.00 per share; 70.0 million shares authorized; 55.0 million, 53.2 million, and 52.5 million shares issued and outstanding
    '    at December 31, 2023, September 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, respectively)
    '    Returns index of first date found of these 3 dates
    ' Needs CutString11(), Frequency(), VBInstr()
    Rett = 0
    D1Found = VBInstr(AgainstDate, Stri) ' location of our date
    If D1Found = 0 Then GoTo ByeBye
    ' If we have 2 dates after me, then we return D1Found
    Search4 = ", "
    Search4Found = (Frequency(DateFormat, Search4) - 1) * 2 ' How many found in our date
    D2 = CutString11(Stri, Search4, Search4Found, Search4, Search4Found, D1Found)
    D3 = CutString11(Stri, Search4, Search4Found * 2, Search4, Search4Found, D1Found)
    D2 = Trim(Replace(D2, "and", ""))
    D3 = Trim(Replace(D3, "and", ""))
    If IsDate(D2) And IsDate(D3) Then
        Rett = D1Found
    End If
    DateDateDate = Rett
End Function

Stri, AgainstDate, Flag1_RightColEdgar, Optional DateFormat = "mmmm dd, yyyy"

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