
Connects to SQL DB using ADODB, if driver not installed, it will attempt to install driver from provided installation folder(s).
This is the more complex version of DB_Connect
Will execute SQL statement if caller provided sSQL, saves output into oRS object, saves 1 or 0 into DB_Connect settings, also saves count of returned rows into LastTableCount setting if caller set sSQLCount statement.
Used in most of Excel-VBA-based tools where database connection is needed, used to be named DB_Connect_AndOr_Fix

What is this?



Original Work
' Needs
'    mMain module having ...
'        Public oConn As Object
'        Public oRS As Object
'    SettingRead, SettingSave, IsThere, oShellRun1
'    Settings ...
'        00_Var1 = Provider
'        00_Var2 = Server
'        00_Var3 = DB Name
'        00_Var4 = DB user name
'        00_Var5 = Password
'        MSI_x64folder = Path for installation of SQL Server driver for x64 (attached)
'        MSI_x86folder = Path for installation of SQL Server driver for x86 (attached)
'        MSIFile = File name only for installation of SQL Server driver (attached)
'        LogFile = File name to save check output
'        LastTableCount = Count of rows for SQL select executed, if sSQL was provided in parameters.
'        DB_Connected = 1 if db is connected, 0 if not

Sub DB_Connect_Install(Optional sSQL = "", Optional sSQLCount = "")
SettingSave "DB_Connected", 0

Var1 = SettingRead("00_Var1") ' Provider
Var2 = SettingRead("00_Var2") ' Server
Var3 = SettingRead("00_Var3") ' DB
Var4 = SettingRead("00_Var4") ' Name
Var5 = SettingRead("00_Var5") ' Pwd
If Var1 = "" Or Var2 = "" Or Var3 = "" Or Var4 = "" Or Var5 = "" Then
' missing connstring, ask for it
AskDBCredentials 'AppSettings
Var1 = SettingRead("00_Var1")
Var2 = SettingRead("00_Var2")
Var3 = SettingRead("00_Var3")
Var4 = SettingRead("00_Var4")
Var5 = SettingRead("00_Var5")
If Var1 = "" Or Var2 = "" Or Var3 = "" Or Var4 = "" Or Var5 = "" Then
MsgBox "Missing parameters, please try again...", vbCritical
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set mMain.oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

ConnString = "PROVIDER=" & Var1 & _
";SERVER=" & Var2 & _
";DATABASE=" & Var3 & _
";USER ID=" & Var4 & _
";PASSWORD=" & Var5 & ";"
mMain.oConn.Open ConnString

If Err.Number = 0 Then GoTo Connection_Pass
' Variables
MSI1 = SettingRead("MSIFile")
Log1 = SettingRead("LogFile")
MSILoc1 = SettingRead("MSI_x64folder")
MSILoc2 = SettingRead("MSI_x86folder")
If Err.Number = 3706 Or UCase(Left(Err.Description, 24)) = UCase("Provider cannot be found") Then
' If error, try to see if the error is because driver not installed
' Try install the SQL driver
DBFix_Loc1 = Replace(MSILoc1, "{{AppPath}}", ThisWorkbook.Path)
DBFix_Loc2 = Replace(MSILoc2, "{{AppPath}}", ThisWorkbook.Path)
DBFix_Loc1 = Replace(DBFix_Loc1, "{{Driver}}", Var1)
DBFix_Loc2 = Replace(DBFix_Loc2, "{{Driver}}", Var1)

' Install > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >..
' msiexec /i "D:\ANmar.Systems\Projects.Individual\TaShee\Resources\SQLNCLI11.x64\sqlncli.msi" _
/Log "D:\ANmar.Systems\Projects.Individual\TaShee\Resources\SQLNCLI11.x64\log.txt"
' Uninstall > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
' msiexec /x "D:\ANmar.Systems\Projects.Individual\TaShee\Resources\x64\sqlncli.msi" /qr
' msiexec /i {{WBPath}}\Attachments1\sqlncli.msi /qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /Lime {{WBPath}}\logfile.txt
' Shell1 = "msiexec /i /a " & DBFix_Loc1 & MSI1 & " /qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /Lime " & DBFix_Loc1 & Log1
' Shell2 = "msiexec /i /a " & DBFix_Loc2 & MSI1 & " /qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /Lime " & DBFix_Loc2 & Log1
Shell1 = "msiexec /i """ & DBFix_Loc1 & MSI1 & """ /qr IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES AddLocal=All /Log """ & DBFix_Loc1 & Log1 & """"
Shell2 = "msiexec /i """ & DBFix_Loc2 & MSI1 & """ /qr IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES AddLocal=All /Log """ & DBFix_Loc2 & Log1 & """"

If Not IsThere(MSI1, DBFix_Loc1, True, True) Or Not IsThere(MSI1, DBFix_Loc2, True, True) Then
Err.Raise 577766, "ANmars", "Missing files for DB Fix setup (" & MSI1 & ")!!!"
GoTo Connection_Error
End If
Return1 = oShellRun1(Shell1, DBFix_Loc1 & Log1)
If Return1 = 1 Then
GoTo Connection_Start
ElseIf Return1 = 2 Then
Return2 = oShellRun1(Shell2, DBFix_Loc2 & Log1)
If Return2 = 1 Then
GoTo Connection_Start
' Err.Raise 577466, "ANmars", "Unexpected error - Could not install SQL Native Client driver in x64 nor in x86"
GoTo Connection_Error
End If
Err.Raise 577466, "ANmars", "Unexpected error - User/Path unexpected"
GoTo Connection_Error
End If
GoTo Connection_Error
End If
GoTo ByeBye
MsgBox "Error reading table..." & vbCrLf & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
If sSQL > "" Then
On Error Resume Next
If sSQLCount > "" Then
Set mMain.oRS = mMain.oConn.Execute(sSQLCount)
SettingSave "LastTableCount", mMain.oRS.Fields(0).Value
End If
Set mMain.oRS = mMain.oConn.Execute(sSQL)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
SettingSave "DB_Connected", 1
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical
End If
End If
GoTo ByeBye
' Disconnect
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Optional sSQL = "", Optional sSQLCount = ""

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