
Cuts part from large string from certain character to certain character with ability to ignore cascading characters.
Meaning: We start cutting once we find CutFrom
Then after that, if we found CutFrom before and ToString, we are going to ignore it and ignore 1 ToString until we reach .

This is a big help when you read json tree-structure variables and blocks

What is this?



Original Work
Function CutString97(FromString, Optional CutFrom = "", Optional ToString = "", Optional ByVal StartFromChar = 1)
    ' Cuts from char to char with ability to ignore cascading chars
    '    Meaning we start cutting once we find CutFrom
    '        Then after that, if we found CutFrom before and ToString, we are going to ignore it and ignore 1 ToString until we reach OUR ToString.
    Rett = ""
    If CutFrom > "" Then
        If InStr(StartFromChar, FromString, CutFrom) > 0 Then
            StartFromChar = InStr(StartFromChar, FromString, CutFrom) + Len(CutFrom)
        End If
    End If
    Rett = Mid(FromString, StartFromChar)
    If ToString > "" Then
        Ignore = 0
        NewCut = ""
        For I = 1 To Len(Rett)
            If UCase(Mid(Rett, I, Len(CutFrom))) = UCase(CutFrom) Then Ignore = Ignore + 1
            If UCase(Mid(Rett, I, Len(ToString))) = UCase(ToString) Then Ignore = Ignore - 1
            NewCut = NewCut & Mid(Rett, I, 1)
            If Ignore = -1 Then
                Rett = NewCut
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
    CutString97 = Rett
End Function

FromString, Optional CutFrom = "", Optional ToString = "", Optional ByVal StartFromChar = 1

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