
Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute
Identify attribute as first attribute matching ...
HTMLBlock            Full HTML Block (page source code) Required
FindFirstTag_byTag        'a' in link                Required
In addition, you may also provide one of below ...
FindFirstTag_ByName        'name' in a tag Link
FindFirstTag_ByID        'id' in a tag Link
FindFirstTag_ByClass    'class' in a tag Link
The function then will return the value of the attribute in ReturnTagAttributeName for that found tag.

This is a more advanced version of similar ReadHTMLTag

Edit 2023-11-07: Changed names of parameters to describe function more.

What is this?



Original Work
Function HTMLTagAttributeValue(HTMLBlock, FindFirstTag_byTag, FindFirstTag_ByName, FindFirstTag_ByID, FindFirstTag_ByClass, ReturnTagAttributeName)
    ' Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute
    ' Identify attribute as first attribute matching ...
    '    HTMLBlock            Full HTML Block (page source code) Required
    '    FindFirstTag_byTag        'a' in <a .... >link </a >                Required
    ' In addition, you may also provide one of below ...
    '    FindFirstTag_ByName        'name' in a tag <a name="" >Link </a >
    '    FindFirstTag_ByID        'id' in a tag <a id="something" >Link </a >
    '    FindFirstTag_ByClass    'class' in a tag <a class="something" >Link </a >
    '    the function then will return the value of the attribute in ReturnTagAttributeName for that found tag.
    HTMLTagAttributeValue = ""
    Tag1 = UCase(" <" & FindFirstTag_byTag)
    Tag9 = " >"
    Tag1Ct = InStr(1, UCase(HTMLBlock), Tag1)
    Tag9Ct = InStr(Tag1Ct, UCase(HTMLBlock), Tag9)
    If FindFirstTag_byTag = "" Then Exit Function
    If Tag1Ct = 0 Then Exit Function
    Found1 = ""
    Rett = ""
        FullTag = Mid(HTMLBlock, Tag1Ct, Tag9Ct - Tag1Ct)
        If FindFirstTag_ByName = "" And FindFirstTag_ByID = "" And FindFirstTag_ByClass = "" Then
            Rett = CutString8(UCase(FullTag), " " & UCase(ReturnTagAttributeName) & "=", "", " ", " >", 1)
            Exit Do
        End If
        For Each TagAttr In Split(FullTag, " ")
            TagAttr1 = UCase(Replace(Replace(CutString(TagAttr, , "="), "'", ""), """", ""))
            TagAttr2 = UCase(Replace(Replace(CutString(TagAttr, "=", ""), "'", ""), """", ""))
            If FindFirstTag_ByName > "" And TagAttr1 = "NAME" And TagAttr2 = UCase(FindFirstTag_ByName) Then
                Found1 = FullTag
                Exit For
            ElseIf FindFirstTag_ByID > "" And TagAttr1 = "ID" And TagAttr2 = UCase(FindFirstTag_ByID) Then
                Found1 = FullTag
                Exit For
            ElseIf FindFirstTag_ByClass > "" And TagAttr1 = "CLASS" And TagAttr2 = UCase(FindFirstTag_ByClass) Then
                Found1 = FullTag
                Exit For
            End If
        If Found1 > "" Then
            Rett = CutString8(UCase(HTMLBlock), " " & UCase(ReturnTagAttributeName) & "=", "", " ", " >", 1)
            Exit Do
        End If
        Tag1Ct = InStr(Tag9Ct, UCase(HTMLBlock), Tag1)
        If Tag1Ct = 0 Then Exit Do
        Tag9Ct = InStr(Tag1Ct, UCase(HTMLBlock), Tag9)
        If Tag9Ct = 0 Then Exit Do
    HTMLTagAttributeValue = CStr(Trim(Replace(Replace(Rett, "'", ""), """", "")))
End Function

HTMLBlock, FindFirstTag_byTag, FindFirstTag_ByName, FindFirstTag_ByID, FindFirstTag_ByClass, ReturnTagAttributeName

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