
Checks if an item was found in list of items and return 1 if yes, 0 if not found.
If not found, it can add that missing item to list if caller sets AddItemIfNotFound to 1.
Uses ANString style, where ANStrList is list of strings with defined separator which will be returned as well updated with new item.
Edit 2024-05-31: Adding fix to issue of false positive match when we have only 1 item.

What is this?



Original Work
Function ANStrFind_AndOrAdd(ThisItem, ByRef ANStrList, Optional AddItemIfNotFound = 1, Optional Sepa = "|")
    ' Checks if an item was found in list of items and return 1 if yes, 0 if not
    '    With option to add the new item to list if not found
    ' Set AdditIfNotFound to 1 if yo uwant tfunction to add this item to list if it was not found
    ' Needs CutString3
    Rett = 0
    ItemID = 1
    If UCase(Trim(ThisItem)) = UCase(ANStrList) Then
        Rett = 1
        GoTo SingleItemList
    End If
        Cut3 = CutString3(ANStrList, ItemID, Sepa)
        If Cut3 = "" Or Cut3 = ANStrList Then Exit Do
        If IsNumeric(ThisItem) Then
            If Val(ThisItem) = Val(Cut3) Then
                Rett = 1
                Exit Do
            End If
            If UCase(Trim(ThisItem)) = UCase(Trim(Cut3)) Then
                Rett = 1
                Exit Do
            End If
        End If
        ItemID = ItemID + 1
    If Rett = 0 And AddItemIfNotFound = 1 Then
        If ANStrList > "" Then ANStrList = ANStrList & Sepa
        ANStrList = ANStrList & ThisItem
        'Rett = ANStrList
    End If
    ANStrFind_AndOrAdd = Rett
End Function

ThisItem, ByRef ANStrList, Optional AddItemIfNotFound = 1, Optional Sepa = "|"

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