ANBS controls

Set of functions to generate Bootstrap controls as strings. Controls available are Button, Inputbox, listbox and textarea along with or without label using Bootstrap 4.1 and Font-Awesome icons.
Can pass btn classes, and additional information, like if a button is for a modal, disabled, or regular, if a confirmation message is needed or not, if a control is read-only or not, also can pass width of grid for a label if label is needed.
ANBSListBox can accept either 1D ANStrArray, where item ID is same as Item name, or 2D ANStrArray where 1 for Item value and second for item name.
Functions are:
:: Update 2018-06-30


What is this?



Original Work
Function ANBSButton(URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled, Caption, Classes, FAIcon, ConfirmMGS, DataParameters)
    ' If URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled = some url, it will be active regular link
    '        If url is provided and ConfirmMGS is not blank, a confirm message will ask user before that link is executed
    ' If URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled = "", disabled button
    ' If URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled = "#modal", then it will be a modal link, needs to have a modalbox setup
    '         DataParameters must be like " data-1="rr" data-4="55"
    Diss                         = ""
    ConfDelete                = ""
    If URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled = "" Or UCase(URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled) = "D" Then Diss = " disabled=""disabled"" "
    If ConfirmMGS = 1 Then ConfDelete = " onclick=""return confirm('" & ConfirmMGS & "');"" "
    Rett                        = " <a href=""" & URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled & """ class=""btn " & Classes & """ " & Diss & " "
    If Left(URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled, 1) = "#" Then
        Rett                    = " <a href=""javascript:void(0);"" data-toggle=""modal"" data-target=""" & URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled & """ "
        Rett                    = Rett & "class=""btn " & Classes & """ " & DataParameters & " "
    End If
    ANBSButton                = Rett & ConfDelete & " > <i class=""" & FAIcon & """ > </i >" & Caption & " </a >" & vbcrlf
End Function
Function ANBSInputBox(BName, BValue, BCaption, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelWidth, BType)
    ' LabelWidth = width of label = 0 to 11 (bootstrap grid width), XWidth = 0 means no label
    ' Width of inputbox = 12 - LabelWidth (bootstrap grid width)
    ' BType = "password", "Text", ...
    ' Using Bootstrap 4, label width = 3, input box width = 9
    Rett                        = ""
    ReadOnly                    = ""
    Div2Close                = vbcrlf
    LabelWidth                = Fix(LabelWidth)
    If BType = "" Then BType = "text"
    If Fix(ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2) = 1 Then ReadOnly = " readonly "
    If LabelWidth > 0 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <div class=""form-group row"" >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <label for=""" & BName & """ class=""col-form-label col-md-" & LabelWidth & """ >"
        Rett                    = Rett & BCaption & " </label >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <div class=""col-md-" & 12 - LabelWidth & """ >" & vbcrlf
        Div2Close            = " </div > </div >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    Rett                        = Rett & " <input type=""" & BType & """ id=""" & BName & """ name=""" & BName & """ "
    Rett                        = Rett & "placeholder=""" & RemoveHTML(BCaption) & """ class=""form-control"" "
    ANBSInputBox            = Rett & "value=""" & BValue & """ " & ReadOnly & " >" & Div2Close
End Function
Function ANBSTextArea(BName, BValue, BCaption, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelWidth, RowsHeight)
    ' LabelWidth = width of label = 0 to 11 (bootstrap grid width), XWidth = 0 means no label
    ' Width of inputbox = 12 - LabelWidth (bootstrap grid width)
    ' RowsHeight is the height of textarea in rows
    Rett                        = ""
    ReadOnly                    = ""
    Div2Close                = vbcrlf
    LabelWidth                = Fix(LabelWidth)
    If Fix(ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2) = 1 Then ReadOnly = " readonly "
    If fix(RowsHeight) < 1 Then RowsHeight    = 5
    If LabelWidth > 0 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <div class=""form-group row"" >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <label for=""" & BName & """ class=""col-form-label col-md-" & LabelWidth & """ >"
        Rett                    = Rett & BCaption & " </label >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <div class=""col-md-" & 12 - LabelWidth & """ >" & vbcrlf
        Div2Close            = " </div > </div >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    Rett                        = Rett & " <textarea name=""" & BName & """ id=""" & BName & """ "
    Rett                        = Rett & "placeholder=""" & RemoveHTML(BCaption) & """ class=""form-control"" "
    ANBSTextArea            = Rett & ReadOnly & " rows=""" & RowsHeight & """ >" BValue & " </textarea >" & Div2Close
End Function
Function ANBSListBox(BName, BList, BCaption, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelWidth, InitialSelection, With1stSelection)
    ' BList is 2D list of ID and Value with SepaCol and SepaRow as separaters
    '    If BList is 1D (no SepaRow found), then items values will be same as items names
    ' LabelWidth = width of label = 0 to 11 (bootstrap grid width), XWidth = 0 means no label
    ' Width of Listbox = 12 - LabelWidth (bootstrap grid width)
    ' With1stSelection = 1 to have 1st item having [Please select] with value of 'No'
    ' InitialSelection can be either the ID of active item or the full text value
    ' Needs CutString, CutString3
    ' Needs SepaCol and SepaRow as separaters
    Rett                        = ""
    Div2Close                = vbcrlf
    LabelWidth                = Fix(LabelWidth)
    If Fix(ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2) = 1 Then ReadOnly = " readonly "
    If LabelWidth > 0 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <div class=""form-group row"" >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <label for=""" & BName & """ class=""col-form-label col-md-" & LabelWidth & """ >"
        Rett                    = Rett & BCaption & " </label >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <div class=""col-md-" & 12 - LabelWidth & """ >" & vbcrlf
        Div2Close            = " </div > </div >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    Rett                        = Rett & " <select name=""" & BName & """ id=""" & BName & """ class=""form-control"" "
    Rett                        = Rett & ReadOnly & " >" & vbcrlf
    If With1stSelection     = 1 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <option value=""none"" >[Please Select] </option >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    X1                            = 0
    If InStr(1, BList, SepaRow) > 0 Then
        For Each OpItem in Split(BList, SepaRow)
            OpItemID            = CutString3(OpItem, 1, SepaCol)
            OpItemCap        = CutString3(OpItem, 2, SepaCol)
            Active1            = ""
            X1                    = X1+1
            If IsNumeric(InitialSelection) Then
                If Fix(InitialSelection) = X1 Then Active1 = " selected "
                If UCase(InitialSelection) = UCase(OpItemID) Then Active1 = " selected "
            End If
            Rett                = Rett & " <option value=""" & OpItemID & """ " & Active1 & " >" & OpItemCap & " </option >" & vbcrlf
        For Each OpItem in Split(BList, SepaCol)
            Active1            = ""
            X1                    = X1 + 1
            If IsNumeric(InitialSelection) Then
                If Fix(InitialSelection) = X1 Then Active1 = " selected "
                If UCase(InitialSelection) = UCase(OpItem) Then Active1 = " selected "
            End If
            Rett                = Rett & " <option value=""" & OpItem & """ " & Active1 & " >" & OpItem & " </option >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    ANBSListBox                = Rett & " </select >" & Div2Close
End Function

URL_Or_ModalID_Or_Disabled, Caption, Classes, FAIcon, ConfirmMGS, DataParameters
BName, BValue, BCaption, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelWidth, BType

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