Search results 33

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Checks if application is already running, returns 1 or 0 My first function

Card image cap

Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...

Card image cap
Steps Recorder Win10 app

Win10 application already found in Windows. to generate list of steps with ...

Card image cap

Collect strings matching search from a longer string. I used it to concatenate ...

Card image cap

Runs SQL Command that needs no return This is primarily useful for CREATE, ...

Card image cap

Saves a workbook handling several scenarios and decide what to do based on each. ...

Card image cap

Cuts the integer part of a number. Like INT, FIX, or CINT I know we already ...

Card image cap

Reads content of webpage with optional post data two main differences from

Card image cap
Listbox 1st item [Any]

Allow user to select [Any] as first item in list that will deselect all other ...

Card image cap

Removes last row in a table starting certain cell. Creating and using this ...

Card image cap

Copies files from list of files into a folder. Uses list of files with ...

Card image cap

Replaces the background fill of any shape in Excel with an image Not Ready yet, ...

Card image cap

Reads file and showing it as Bootstrap row, with ability to replace variables ...

Card image cap

Finds a file in giving its full path Similar to IsThere1 except this one uses ...

Card image cap

Two functions to generate ID that is unique (not found in database) ...

Card image cap

Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...