Search results 18

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Send workbook as email attachment

Retro way to send a workbook you are in as an email. Found it in one of my old ...

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Returns the path of ThisWorkbook considering OneDrive Personal or Business ...

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CellSave and CellRead

Reads a cell or Saves value into certain cell, in certain sheet and workbook. ...

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Deletes all sheets in a workbook keeping only one

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Unmerges all merged cells and duplicate cell contents into them. In another ...

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Gets a sheet name by referencing sheet ID or Sheet No This is more likely to ...

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Delete styles from an Excel workbook, any non-standard style will be deleted. ...

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Deletes a sheet from a workbook, checks it is already there first

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A User-Friendly way to ask user to enable macros. Showing an only sheet to let ...

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Page area and Page Setup functions (Unfinished)

Clear Excel print area, or set it, or read it, along with Page setup commands ...

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LogSheet_Add + LogSheet_Clear

2 Functions LogSheet_Add and LogSheet_Clear to add new entry to log or clear ...

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Get total number of rows for a certain worksheet in certain workbook workbook ...

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Returns true if VBA is accessible through code, returns false if not

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Matching by two values at the same time in two columns Just like Match the ...

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Opens Workbook without running AutoMacros and without letting the user know ...

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Delete all shapes in a sheet