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Matching three values at the same time in three columns Just like Match the ...

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Matching by two values at the same time in two columns Just like Match the ...

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Horizontal match for a value in a row Horizontal MatchIf, returns column ...

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MatchIf (aka VMatchIf)

The best Match I created, return 0 if not found, kind of CountIF+Match ...

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Opens Workbook without running AutoMacros and without letting the user know ...

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BrowseWorkbook + BrowseWorkbook_Save

Asks for Excel file to open, then return the full filename with path if ...

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GetColumnName, ColumnName_XOffset

Gets the column name from a cell address. Returns "E" from "E45", or "BR" from ...

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Converts a date (numeric date) into Date acceptable by SQL, as in YYYY-MM-DD ...

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Create list of selected items in MSForms listbox as string separated by | Or ...

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Returns a random password that is easier to remember, such as BONES or LAMOT. ...

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Finds a name in a workbook, returns true or false

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Finds a sheet in a workbook, if no workbook name passed, it will use ...

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Reads Serial number of the system, also can be used to return System name, ...

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Returns 1 if an item found in array, 0 if not

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DB_Setting1List + DB_Setting1List_NameValue

DB_Setting1List is to Returns list of SettingValues matching certain ...

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Using same code in CutString3, this will search for matching items. Searches ...