Search results 628

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Card image cap

Exports a sheet into CSV file Dynamically finds number of rows/columns and ...

Card image cap
OST Outlook file location

Outlook OST (and PST) files to be saved in different location Instruction can ...

Card image cap
New VBS file

Add vbs to new menu in Windows Explorer. Fast way to create VBS files using reg ...

Card image cap

Detect Browser setting (type or other info) using MSWC.browsertype object. Old ...

Card image cap

Returns an array of all table names in a database. needs valid OLE database ...

Card image cap

Create list of unique items from a column into another column This is similar ...

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Win10 Pin shortcuts

Multiple shortcuts to same app in Windows 10 taskbar

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Counts how many items selected in a listbox (multi-selection listbox). Works ...

Card image cap

Fills in more rows at end of a range Used to add more rows at end to have all ...

Card image cap

Calculates the differences of date (against NOW) and return in English ...

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A message box with checkbox, 1 command button says ok only. Caller can set ...

Card image cap

Automatically save workbook (when using OneDrive) on or off This is the VBA ...

Card image cap

Cleans file name from invalid unexpected characters that Windows refuses.

Card image cap

Copies files from list of files into a folder. Uses list of files with ...

Card image cap

List All the Members of a Group Needs GroupNames text file having list of ...

Card image cap

Finally, can have one command to open any file using its default associated app ...