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Make HTML File

This script will make a HTML file

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Deletes a file, using mapped or unmapped file path

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Reads and saves text file giving its full name Used a lot in my tools, very ...

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Read Text

Opens a textfile and shows contents

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Rename Folder

This will rename and or move a folder

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Recurse and Rename

Recurses down a directory tree and renames files

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Rename File

This will rename a specific file and or move the file to a different directory

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Run Application (ping.exe)

This script uses WSH to open an executable and save the results to a textfile.

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Directory Viewer

This is a directory viewer. You can set what files to be viewed. Has ...

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Site Administration

This is an application to administer a website remotely through an ASP

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Read Write and Append Text

Uses FSO to read, write, or append text in a file

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Create and Write Log File

The subprocedure can be called by any ASP applicaiton/page which needs to ...

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Checks if file is an image using its filename extension