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Returns the number of quarter from a date

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Calculates no of workdays between two dates. Option to use international ...

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Returns how many decimal places the number have

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Counts how many cells with data in a row, starting from certain column until ...

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Calculates number of days for certain quarter, starting from given quarter with ...

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Getting the minimum number from an array excluding zeros.

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Searches for 6 values in 6 columns and return the row number found in. ...

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Searches for five cells in five columns and return the row number if all found ...

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Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...

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SettingSave + SettingRead for NumberFormat

Reads or applies certain NumberFormat to cell in settings. Same patterns as ...

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Reads or set Numberformatting for a cell or range. Can pass sheet and workbook ...

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Between2int and Between2intinc

Checks if number between two numbers, with or without considering those numbers. ...

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Triangular coded msg in file

Decodes message from file based on number in each line of text. Attached ...

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Finds three dates after each other in one paragraph. Needed to locate numbers ...

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Finds 3 numbers in a string by ignoring characters between them. ' example ...

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Checks if LocIndex is found between open and close of HTMLTag or between close ...