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Card image cap

To raise a friendly error message with option to show custom error number and ...

Card image cap

Loads an image into VBA image control without knowing its extension If file ...

Card image cap

Finds specific VBA object in VBE project User need to setup to trust VBA ...

Card image cap

Runs a WScript.Shell command with wait until finish and returns 0, 1, 2 or -1 ...

Card image cap

Convert number to English words, convert 450 to 4 hundreds and fifty dollars

Card image cap
Active BS4 breakpoint

Was looking for some way to show bootstrap 4 breakpoint, and got this

Card image cap
[TAB] inside textarea

Allow textarea's to accept TAB key (ASCII code 63) Could use some enhancements, ...

Card image cap
Limit Textarea

Show number of characters in a textarea and limit if it goes greater than ...

Card image cap

Gets time and date for a file, Date created, accessed or modified. If the file ...

Card image cap

Changes date format from US to International or from international to US. ...

Card image cap

This will tests to see if strQuotedString is wrapped in quotation marks, and, ...

Card image cap

This function capitalizes first letter of each of the words in a sentence, ...

Card image cap

Creates array of random numbers, returns 1 Dim array

Card image cap
Page area and Page Setup functions (Unfinished)

Clear Excel print area, or set it, or read it, along with Page setup commands ...

Card image cap

Delete All Files in a Folder. Needs a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Card image cap

Generate HTML tags with thier parameters as name=value pairs ' Example of ...