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Converts Red, Green and Blue integers into RGB long value

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Paragraph2Line + Line2Paragraph

Converts paragraph to 1 line text or 1 line text to paragraph Mainly used to ...

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ANStrColor2RGB + RGB2ANStrColor

Converts R:G:B into RGB value (as long) and RGB from long into R:G:B

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Downloads list of domains and prices for register, renew or transfer into ...

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Downloads list of registered Domains in your account from using ...

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Gets your balance in your NameSilo account using your own API

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Index.html template having headers with Bootstrap v4.1 and Font-Awesome (BS4.1 ...

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GetPapa, GetPapa_URL, GetPapa_Sep, GetSon, GetSon_

Gets that parent folder name giving a full path, or gets the child folder, Can ...

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FrmLarge v3

Shows an image after clicking on its thumbnail, like in web applications Can ...

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Allow website to have scroll bars on areas, like a web app Applied in ANmar. ...

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Shareware software window (Frm4)

Show Shareware software
How to use it:
Frm4. ...

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VBA Progressbar (Frm73)

Progress bar Frm73 or just simple message Zip file contains .frm and .frx ...

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Generate random using web service into ASP variable. With help of PHP, we now ...

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Gets FontAwesome 5 icon for a file using its extension Used in MyDev website

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Finds out if a file exists, can pass either mapped file path, or unmapped

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FilesIn + FilesIn_Count

Returns list of files found in a folder, list separated with custom separator