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Returns 1 if an item found in array, 0 if not

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Numbers in Textbox

Force textbox to accept numbers only. Needs adjustments to work on VB6

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MoveDown + MoveUp

Moves an item in listbox up or down Needs Lst1 as listbox name Put code ...

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To encrypt or decrypt any string ' Strii is the required text to protect ' ...

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DB_Setting2Read + DB_Setting2Save

Reads and save setting into settings table per 2 IDs, similar to SettingRead ...

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Copies text to clipboard using MSForms

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Reading QueryString from JS

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CDONTS with Attachment Example of CDONTSwith attachment for emailing

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Removes HTML code Basically all tags expected and listed below There is a ...

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CountColumnCells + CountColumnCells_Criteria

Counts how many cells in a column in any sheet, any workbook using COUNTIF ...

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Index.html template having headers with Bootstrap v4.1 and Font-Awesome (BS4.1 ...

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Opens webpage from within Excel, using default browser

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Downloads a certain page source into a variable, full content in HTML, using ...

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Download a file from URL from inside Excel into certain path, returns blank if ...

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InsertHyperlinks + GetHref

Converts https found in text into anchers < a > Comes with GetHref as bonus ...

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This is the final version of my set of Setting functions SettingRead, ...