Search results 72

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ShapeName clicked

Simple command to know which object (shape) the user clicked When you assign a ...

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Finally, can have one command to open any file using its default associated app ...

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Old cell value

Nice solution to read value in cell AFTER changed. Needed to have that feature ...

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Logging use of executable in Windows

Log the use of .exe, .lnk, .pif, .bat, and .com files on your computer. All it ...

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Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute Identify attribute ...

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Cuts a string from certain character to certain character with option of either ...

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Execute exe embedded in Excel

Execute exe file that embed inside Excel sheet This is for experimental, not ...

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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Switch Virtual Desktops

Ready to use exe application that helps you switching the desktop in Windows 10 ...

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Execute any command in Excel VBE, using Application.Evaluate to execute almost ...

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Shortcut website

Create a shortcut to website to open using Internet Explorer in 'InPrivate' ...

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Clean filename from special characters to make it safe for server upload Then ...

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Shrinks a text into smaller text controlling where is the majority will be ...

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Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

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Control the Panel

A set of commands (or shortcuts) allowing users to access Control panel items ...