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Counts how many words found inside a string. Using space, tab or enter as ...

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Arabic VS Hindi numbers

Settings to force Microsoft Word to show Hindi numbers with Arabic text, or ...

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Convert numbers into Arabic words, like 230 to مائتان وثلاثون I have multiple ...

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Language per app

Restore Windows 10 setting to remember language selected per application

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Open different Filestypes

Populate list of filetypes in Application.GetOpenFilename method. This command ...

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Runs a macro from another workbook without parameters (WB Workbook has to be ...

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Embed fonts in Word doc

Embed fonts used in document, to make it available on any machine

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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Converts a string into proper case PCase or ProperCase since Classic ASP does ...

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Deletes a sheet from a workbook, checks it is already there first

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Fixes the path for a given folder, PC or Mac by adding separator only if ...

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PCase (ProperCase)

Just like UCase and LCase, ProperCase (or PCase) will capitalize 1st letter of ...

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Capitalize first letter in all words In a String

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Convert number to English words, convert 450 to 4 hundreds and fifty dollars

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This function capitalizes first letter of each of the words in a sentence, ...

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WordsOf + Words_Len

WordsOf to create list of words from a block after converting every special ...