Search results 747

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SQL instr

Searching for a string inside a string in SQL. You may say it is the instr in ...

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Cuts a number that would be found before certain word inside a block string. ...

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Cleans block of string (HTML block) from characters that are not needed Can ...

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Random Number in SQL

Generate Random number inside SQL using timestamp (GetDate function) One of ...

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Gototop + Circular scroll progress

JS icon to show progress of scroll in webpage having button to go back to top. ...

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Returns values of all cells in range into 1 string Only non-blank values ...

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Show or hide item (or items) in PivotTable for a certain field. Passing ...

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Shows or hides an item or items in a PivotTable filter field. Passing ...

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3 Custom BS buttons

3 Custom-made button colors using Bootstrap. Because I suck at graphics, I ...

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SQL Cross Apply String_Split with XML Path

SQL select statement to convert list of IDs found in column (from more than row ...

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Creates square thumb for an image, regardless of image aspect ratio It will ...

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Collect strings matching search from a longer string. I used it to concatenate ...

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Reads image dimensions, width, height, depth and image type. Details returned ...

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Remove Managed by Your Organization from Edge

AI helped me here to remove the message on my browser of (Managed by your ...

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Cuts from CutFrom starting from any of items found from ...

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Convert a number represents a date in Unix format back into date, opposite of ...