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Template to be used for any new tools, having... D sheet, WelcomeSheet, code ...

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Sort an array of Numeric values, simple straightforward Edit v3 2021-09-21: ...

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ConvertMultiLine2 + 6

Convert text blocks (by converting line separators from any separator to any). ...

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Display content of ASP file (any file for that matters)

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Import the CSV file, DOES NOT OPEN, Open does not fix encoding issue, import ...

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Sort range or area by 5 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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Get value of Server variable by passing variable name aVar can be any of these ...

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Sort range or area by 3 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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This function capitalizes first letter of each of the words in a sentence, ...

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WordsOf + Words_Len

WordsOf to create list of words from a block after converting every special ...

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Converts all Ƽ found in a string into their actual chars

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Matching any part of a string in another , then returns 0 if not match, Or ...

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Make selected item in listbox to be displayed at center of listbox after ...

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Get output of DOS Command in string, by reading output into temp text file, ...

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Asks user before running a link (mostly before deleting) Small important part ...

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HaveNonEnglish + StringASCIIs

Checks if one char is within two ASCII codes or not (StringASCIIs) Used to see ...