Search results 21

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Extract a full number from string block having 1 or more full numbers. Like ...

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Cuts part from large string from certain character to certain character with ...

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Finds the URL (href tag value) for an anchor inside a table row (tr element) ...

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Cuts long string from certain character to certain character with option to ...

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Does a search in 1st column (< td tag) in an HTML table (< table tag), and ...

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Cuts from CutFrom starting from any of items found from ...

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Cuts right part of a string starting from certain occurrence of a separator ...

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Cuts a string from certain character to certain character with option of either ...

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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Clean filename from special characters to make it safe for server upload Then ...

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Split string into table

Returns tag words (as table) in Microsoft SQL Separator set to comma, but you ...

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Gets a random image from a folder of files, passed as an unMapPathed (HTML) ...

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ANStrRead + ANStrSave + ANStrSearch

Reads and saves data into 1 dim string array, ANStr ANStr is a string of list ...

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ANStrColor2RGB + RGB2ANStrColor

Converts R:G:B into RGB value (as long) and RGB from long into R:G:B

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Using same code in CutString3, this will search for matching items. Searches ...

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Cuts a string from certain char till certain char, can be used to cut left, ...