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RegSave, RegRead, RegDelete

Windows Registry read, save and delete branch node or key. Three functions use ...

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Choosing a return value based on an ID. Since we have Choose2, Choose3 and ...

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Returns a value based on an ID. If ID is 1, return 1st value, If ID is 2, ...

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Returns all numeric values in row separated by Sepa Only cells that are not ...

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An attempt to read json into table. This one is a work in progress, tested and ...

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Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them). I used these small ...

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Searches for 6 values in 6 columns and return the row number found in. ...

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Searching for rows having 5 values in 5 columns Like

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Finds the URL (href tag value) for an anchor inside a table row (tr element) ...

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Finds 3 numbers in a string by ignoring characters between them. ' example ...

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Remove tags that are identical and nested inside each other in an HTML document, ...

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Does a search in 1st column (< td tag) in an HTML table (< table tag), and ...

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Returns values of all cells in range into 1 string Only non-blank values ...

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Similar to VBInstr, but this one does it in reverse, which is instrrev() ...

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SQL Cross Apply String_Split with XML Path

SQL select statement to convert list of IDs found in column (from more than row ...

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Converts two bytes to long

Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long), (both little-endian ...