Search results 54

Card image cap

Removes duplication in ANStr separated by a separator.

Card image cap

Getting the minimum number from an array excluding zeros.

Card image cap

Sort range of cells by up to 4 columns. Can use any of these columns, not ...

Card image cap

Reads array of arrays from the parent and return back ANString of 3 columns

Card image cap

Reads array into list of ANString, from [ until ] for the giving array name. ...

Card image cap

Reverses order of array. In other words, the upperbound value of an input ...

Card image cap

Returns array of values by an XML expression from XML file. Xmlfilepath is the ...

Card image cap
End ( xlDown )

A bug found because of using End(xlDown) Please stop using Range("A1"). ...

Card image cap
FilesIn_Array and FoldersIn_Array

Return list of files in a folder back as array. Similar to

Card image cap

Converts 1-dimension array into text. Meet Join. A way to convert array into ...

Card image cap

Imports a range into 2-dimension array. Returns the array, providing range, ...

Card image cap
ArrSort_5Arr and ArrSort_7Arr

2 functions to sort 5 Arrays or 7 Arrays respectively.