Search results 18

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Sort list of texts having cell address by cell address as alphanumeric in Asc ...

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Creates square thumb for an image, regardless of image aspect ratio It will ...

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Refresh Table from View

Convert SQL View into table for speed reading. Using views a lot, I needed a ...

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ANmaBatchCreate + ANmaBatchRun

Creates batch file with certain content, and another function to actually ...

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Creates "Update Table " SQL statements to be executed inside SQL to modify ...

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Creates SQL INSERT statements from a table in Excel. Used to be executed to ...

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ShapeName clicked

Simple command to know which object (shape) the user clicked When you assign a ...

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Finally, can have one command to open any file using its default associated app ...

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Old cell value

Nice solution to read value in cell AFTER changed. Needed to have that feature ...

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Execute exe embedded in Excel

Execute exe file that embed inside Excel sheet This is for experimental, not ...

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Connects to SQL DB using ADODB, if driver not installed, it will attempt to ...

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Execute any command in Excel VBE, using Application.Evaluate to execute almost ...

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Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...

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Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

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Show/hide ribbon

Show or hide Excel ribbon from inside VBA Needed that in one of my projects