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Apply Number format of 1 decimal to datalabels of specific series in certain ...

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Concatenate all rows found in a range starting A1Cell for Columns_To columns ...

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Reads page headers into dictionary object. an example of using Dictionary in ...

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Fills in more rows at end of a range Used to add more rows at end to have all ...

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Fill down

Fill down series in Excel. NotReadyYet! This is a work-in-progress function! ...

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Returns Id of column (Column Index) from a cell. Similar to GetColumnName, this ...

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Replaces the background fill of any shape in Excel with an image Not Ready yet, ...

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Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...

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Copy formulas

How to copy formulas in VBA code. Learned that the hard way, just like most of ...

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Unmerges all merged cells and duplicate cell contents into them. In another ...

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Fill in formulas from 1st row, then convert them to flat values to avoid Excel ...