Search results 39

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Searching for row have 6 matches found in 6 different columns, because we had 5, ...

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Finds the location of a sting inside list of strings with certain separator, or ...

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ListBox bug with TabIndex

Setting TabIndex for a listbox to 0 in a Userform will have some issues when ...

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Returns the full string starting from open tag of container where LocationIndex ...

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Checks if LocIndex is found between open and close of HTMLTag or between close ...

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Returns full string starting from the point of LocIndex minus back where we ...

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SQL instr

Searching for a string inside a string in SQL. You may say it is the instr in ...

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Does a search in 1st column (< td tag) in an HTML table (< table tag), and ...

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Reset numbers in ID column, with help from AI. The StoredProcedure will move ...

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Returns location of the tag that enclosing the location provided inside HTML ...

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Returns HTML tag of the container of certain location inside HTML block. ...

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Converts a number of any base to decimal. Hexa to decimal, octa to decimal, ...