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Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...

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CopyFiles Excel-Macro

Simple macro to make sure we have a copy of all files in a folder found in ...

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Build needed lines to create string variable having block of HTML. Provide the ...

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Adds date to column1 when user enters text in column2. Also, if user remove ...

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Subdomain to a folder

Redirects a subdomain into a folder child of main domain, named same as ...

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Asks user to assign a folder, been looking for something like this for awhile ...

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Removes duplicated items from a 1-dim array into new array, does not modify ...

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Show ActiveUsers in webpage using ASP Classic, this also works as an example of ...

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Creates HTML file using template found in a column. Have lines of HTML in a ...

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Special chars

How to type special characters in keyboard using ALT + keypad numbers I also ...

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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Generates thumbnail of an image and saving it in certain folder. Edit php to ...

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Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

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Gets total of folder size in bytes. With some tweaks, you can modify it to use ...

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Find the user name (and domain) for logged in user for in an internal intranet ...

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Shrinks a text into smaller text controlling where is the majority will be ...