Search results 60

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Removes the WordTemplate [Sign-Head-????] from FromStr and returns whatever ...

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Removes duplication in ANStr separated by a separator.

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Combine strings of two HTML tables into string of one table.

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Remove tags that are identical and nested inside each other in an HTML document, ...

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Collect strings matching search from a longer string. I used it to concatenate ...

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Remove Managed by Your Organization from Edge

AI helped me here to remove the message on my browser of (Managed by your ...

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Macro keyboard shortcuts

Assign certain keyboard shortcut to certain macro, or clear that shortcut. ...

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Adds date to column1 when user enters text in column2. Also, if user remove ...

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Replace strings found in list of strings from inside a string, does taht make ...

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Sppecial version to convert HTML to string. Uses RemoveHTML, then after that ...

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Forces Excel to not convert numbers during moving them across sheets, or ...

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Removes duplicated emails in an outlook folder. Originally not my work, ...