Search results 9

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Grandchildren files and count

Returns list of files in 2 level folders Will not find files as children of ...

Card image cap
Subdomain to a folder

Redirects a subdomain into a folder child of main domain, named same as ...

Card image cap
FilesIn_Array and FoldersIn_Array

Return list of files in a folder back as array. Similar to

Card image cap

Scans folder and its all subfolders (2 levels only) for files then put file ...

Card image cap

Excel macro to show all files found in directory (including sub-directories) as ...

Card image cap

Creates list of subfolders and subfolders of each down to 5 levels Folder ...

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Returns list of folders found in given folder in a string in ANStr format, ...

Card image cap

Creates a thumb of an image using IrfanView Thumbnail filename will have _th ...

Card image cap

Delete All Files in a Folder. Needs a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime