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Windows Common Controls 6.0

This is the needed library to have Windows Common Controls installed to be used ...

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List All the Members of a Group Needs GroupNames text file having list of ...

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Custom Treeview control

A .Net project to create Custom Treeview in ASPX pages, this is a Csharp project

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VBA-Excel function to connect to SQL Database server, in addition to ...

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ANBSThumbImg + ANBSThumbLink

Creates thumb of an image with or without link to original Use ANBSThumbLink ...

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ASP.Net ShowThumb.aspx file that generates image thumb from an image, official ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

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Pagination call

How to read certain page from SQL table Originally from from http://social. ...

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SharePointURL2Path + Path2SharePointURL

Converts SharePoint URL to regular folder path and the other way, giving the ...