Chooses from 20 options based on the passed ID, can have any of these passed. will return the last parameter )ReturnIfNone) if ID was not 1 to 20
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Login here using your Linkedin account. to see or download code.
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Linkedin LoginChooseID, Optional ReturnIf1 = "", Optional ReturnIf2 = "", Optional ReturnIf3 = "", Optional ReturnIf4 = "", Optional ReturnIf5 = "", _
Optional ReturnIf6 = "", Optional ReturnIf7 = "", Optional ReturnIf8 = "", Optional ReturnIf9 = "", Optional ReturnIf10 = "", _
Optional ReturnIf11 = "", Optional ReturnIf12 = "", Optional ReturnIf13 = "", Optional ReturnIf14 = "", Optional ReturnIf15 = "", _
Optional ReturnIf16 = "", Optional ReturnIf17 = "", Optional ReturnIf18 = "", Optional ReturnI
Optional ReturnIf6 = "", Optional ReturnIf7 = "", Optional ReturnIf8 = "", Optional ReturnIf9 = "", Optional ReturnIf10 = "", _
Optional ReturnIf11 = "", Optional ReturnIf12 = "", Optional ReturnIf13 = "", Optional ReturnIf14 = "", Optional ReturnIf15 = "", _
Optional ReturnIf16 = "", Optional ReturnIf17 = "", Optional ReturnIf18 = "", Optional ReturnI
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