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Chooses from 20 options based on the passed ID, can have any of these passed. ...

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Choosing a return value based on an ID. Since we have Choose2, Choose3 and ...

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Returns a value based on an ID. If ID is 1, return 1st value, If ID is 2, ...

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Nice simple elegant tabs in Bootstrap 4 Originally from

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Drop-down select in bootstrap From

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Bootstrap Tags input

Tags input (Tagsbox) in bootstrap From

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Uploader Widget

jQuery Ajax File Uploader Widget Promising, need to start implementing it in ...

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Bootstrap Colorpicker

Bootstrap color picker From

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Slider (Bootstrap)

A nice bootstrap slider From

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Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...

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A cursor file type of Hand. used inside VBA to show hand when user hover over ...

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Sorts a range or area by 1 column given its cell address, with options to ...

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Container Switcher

Using Classic ASP and cookies, allow users to personally choose between normal ...