Protection 38

Encrypt, Decrypt, backup, restore, security and passwords
Sorted from new to old.
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Random GUID

Generate a random GUID using oracle db workbench Also add timestamp to ensure ...

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Two functions to generate ID that is unique (not found in database) ...

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ANBSCaptchaBox (Part 4)

Attempt to create Captcha inputbox as simple as possible using third party ...

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TeeOpen_ProtectTee + TeeOpen_UnprotectTee

Protect or unprotect a workbook (already open) remotely from another workbook ...

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RC4 Encryption

A code inherited from an old application to protect or un-protect text in ...

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Unprotect sheet or workbook

Unprotect worksheet (and workbook) using VBA code

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RealPerson Captcha

Captcha, smart new way to do it. Again, an actually working captcha, not like ...

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Protect VBA

Protect VBA project from inside VBA This is the raw way, there has to be other ...

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Simple Captcha

Sometimes the simplest methods is the most powerful. That is what I said

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VHD files 950MB + 1.8GB + 3GB

VHD files, 950MB, 1.8GB and 3GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files ...

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VHD file 7GB - Delete

VHD file, 7GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files into an 8 GB usb ...

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Base64encode + Base64decode

Encodes and decodes a string, Base64 is used to convert binary data (like ...

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Encrypt1 + Decrypt1

Encrypts (and decrypts) a string. To decrypt an encrypted string, use the ...

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UnBreakAr + BreakAr

Fix broken Arabic char, by using AscW and ChrW This is Excel User-defined ...

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ProtectText + UnProtectText

Encrypt or decrypt text, simple encryption with a numeric password Decrypt a ...

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A User-Friendly way to ask user to enable macros. Showing an only sheet to let ...