UI 174

User interface, user controls, and display codes
Sorted from new to old.
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In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery. From

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Sidebar navbar

Bootstrap side navbar (sidebar) Can be pushed to left or right From

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Topcoat breadcrumb

A 3d breadcrumb, menu-like componenet From

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Collapse Menu

A Bootstrap 4 collapse menu, easy to adapt A pen from

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CSS hat buttons

Set of controls using CSS hat, nice to have From

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nyan bars

Progress bars, animated, customized, neat and new From

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Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes

Bootstrap checkbox with font-awesome (BS-FA Checkbox) From

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Breadcrumbs Navigation

Nice bootstrappy navigation with breadcrumbs From

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A button spinner (ladda) for Bootstrap From

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jquery plugin for easy creating loading css3 animations Simple to use. ...

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Notification messages in js From

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Great modal and window plugin in js Users can drag, minimize, maximize modal ...

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jQuery plugin to search filter content, customize, easy to apply From

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Rating system, small in jQuery From

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jQuery filtering

jQuery filtering, demo From

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Good slide view, animated moving menu, or wizard steps From