Math 52 Numbers and formulas

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Counts how many values are True (or anything) in an array of boolean values ...

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Fill down

Fill down series in Excel. NotReadyYet! This is a work-in-progress function! ...

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Simplest way to rank among peers. used COUNTIFS in case we need to add more ...

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Checks if range has at least one error in a range of cells Fast, and simple

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Finds the SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, etc for a range of cells referencing using ...

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Ranks a number among set of numbers. This is part of huge tool, we needed to ...

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Calculates X, Y of position on a Circle or ellipse. Pass the center X, Y of ...

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Counts how many duplicates found in a range of Excel cells. Basically how many ...

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Nautical/Flight Functions

Functions perform various calculations useful for planning trips. MPH2Kt: ...

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Finding the number of a name, used in a numerology program. Finds the number ...

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Fraction calulator

Bing gives you a nice quick way to do calculations, now with fraction ...

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Max + Min

Calculate maximum of array of numbers or Minimum of array of numbers Also, ...