Excel-VBA Limits

These are some limits I found during my work in Excel-VBA

For more of Excel limits, see this post in Excel Functions XLFxs.com/Excel Limits

What is this?



Original Work
1- User form size - buffer, see attached screen
The main limit I was facing is that the Userform has a buffer limit of ~1mb
Default buffer is set to 32k, and you will need to increase it in case you have too many controls, as you might expect I have seen.

Other limitations:
2- 10,000 chars limit in column 2 in listbox VBA in Excel
3- 2,889 lines per sub ( <a href=/?Devid=L485C0O2V5 >Too large procedures </a >)
4- 3,040,277 is the max number of chars I was able to put in Textbox of Userform, limit could be higher.

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