Search results 140
Sorted from new to old.
Returns information about first file name found after sorting matching files in ...
Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...
SettingSave + SettingRead for NumberFormat
Reads or applies certain NumberFormat to cell in settings. Same patterns as ...
ListBox bug with TabIndex
Setting TabIndex for a listbox to 0 in a Userform will have some issues when ...
Apply Number format of 1 decimal to datalabels of specific series in certain ...
GeWin - get windows list
Gets all windows that are enabled and actived and put them in a list. It also ...
USB Format in Car stereo
What format used to let Car stereo read USB thumb drive? To listen to MP3 ...
USB format in Android
What is the best format to use a USB storage for using in Android phones and ...