
Cuts a string from a string starting from a specific character index and until a specific character index.
Edit 2024-02-28: Adding error catching for some strange scenario at end.
Edit: 2024-04-03: Fix issue when Start1 is less than 0

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Original Work
Function CutString1(CutFrom, Optional Start1 = 1, Optional End1 = 1) As String
    ' Cuts a string from a string starting from a specific character index and until a specific character index
    '    Start1 is no to cut from (included)
    '    End1 is no to stop cut to (included)
    '    CutFrom is the string to cut from
    '    If Start1 is not given, it will be assumed as 1
    '    If End1 is not given, it will be assumed as the length of the string.
    Dim St1, En1
    CutString1 = ""
    St1 = 1
    If Start1 < Len(CutFrom) And Start1 > 0 Then St1 = Start1
    En1 = Len(CutFrom) + 1
    If End1 = 1 Then GoTo Step3
    If End1 < Len(CutFrom) Then En1 = End1 + 1
    If St1 > 0 Then CutString1 = Mid(CutFrom, St1, En1 - St1)
End Function

CutFrom, Optional Start1, Optional End1

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