ANBS Controls Set3

3rd set of ANBS controls, Get Set1 here and Set2 here
ANBSOptionWithText to show an option box with text input,
ANBSOptionBoxes to show multiple option buttons in 1 line, and
ANBSCheckbox to show 1 checkbox

Update 2020-12-06: Needed to make it safe for publishing online

What is this?



Original Work
Function ANBSOptionBoxes(BName, NoOfBoxes, BCaptionsList,BSelectedID, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelColWidth, BLongDescription)
    Rett                        = ""
    Rett                        = Rett & ""
    If LabelColWidth > 0 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "div class=""form-group row"" >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "label for=""" & BIDO & """ class=""col-form-label col-md-" & LabelColWidth & """ >"
        Rett                    = Rett & BCaption & " <" & "/label >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "div class=""col-md-" & 12 - LabelColWidth & """ >" & vbcrlf
        Div2Close            = " <" & "/div > <" & "/div >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    ANBSInputBox            = Rett
End Function

Function ANBSOptionWithText(BIDO, BNameO, BNameT, BValueO, BValueT, BCaption, BCaptionO, Checked1, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelColWidth, BTypeT, BLongDescription)
    ' BNameO = Name of option control, BNameT = Name of text control
    ' BTypeO = "password", "Text", ...
    Rett                        = ""
    ReadOnly                    = ""
    DescDiv                    = ""
    Checked2                    = ""
    Div2Close                = vbcrlf
    If BTypeT = "" Then BTypeT = "text"
    If Fix(ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2) = 1 Then ReadOnly = " readonly "
    If Checked1 = 1 then Checked2 = " checked "
    If BLongDescription > "" Then
        DescDiv                = DescDiv & " <" & "small class=""form-text text-muted"" >" & vbcrlf
        DescDiv                = DescDiv & BLongDescription & vbcrlf
        DescDiv                = DescDiv & " <" & "/small >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    If LabelColWidth > 0 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "div class=""form-group row"" >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "label for=""" & BIDO & """ class=""col-form-label col-md-" & LabelColWidth & """ >"
        Rett                    = Rett & BCaption & " <" & "/label >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "div class=""col-md-" & 12 - LabelColWidth & """ >" & vbcrlf
        Div2Close            = " <" & "/div > <" & "/div >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    Rett                        = Rett & ""
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "div class=""input-group"" >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "div class=""input-group-prepend"" >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "div class=""input-group-text"" >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "div class=""custom-control custom-radio"" >"
    Rett                        = Rett & ""
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "input type=""radio"" aria-label=""Radio button for following text input"" "
    Rett                        = Rett & " id=""" & BIDO & """ name=""" & BNameO & """ value=""" & BValueO & """ " & ReadOnly & Checked2
    Rett                        = Rett & "class=""custom-control-input"" > "
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "label class=""custom-control-label"" for=""" & BIDO & """ >" & BCaptionO & " <" & "/label >"
    Rett                        = Rett & ""
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "/div >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "/div >"
    ' Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "span class=""input-group-text"" id=""inputGroup-sizing-sm"" >" & BCaptionO & " <" & "/span > "
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "/div >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "input type=""" & BTypeT & """ class=""form-control"" aria-label=""Text input with radio button"" "
    Rett                        = Rett & " id=""" & BNameT & """ name=""" & BNameT & """ value=""" & BValueT & """ " & ReadOnly & " >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "/div >" & DescDiv & Div2Close
        Rett                    = Rett & ""
        Rett                    = Rett & "" & vbcrlf
    Rett                        = Rett & ""
    ANBSOptionWithText    = Rett
End Function

Function ANBSCheckbox(BName, BValue, BCaption, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelColWidth, BDescription)
    Rett                        = ""
    ReadOnly                    = " "
    DescDiv                    = ""
    BChecked                    = " "
    InputStyle                = ""
    Div2Close                = " <" & "/div >" & vbcrlf
    If Fix(BValue) = 1 Then BChecked = " checked "
    If Fix(ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2) = 1 Then ReadOnly = " disabled "
    If BDescription > "" Then
        DescDiv                = DescDiv & " <" & "small class=""form-text text-muted"" >" & vbcrlf
        DescDiv                = DescDiv & BDescription & vbcrlf
        DescDiv                = DescDiv & " <" & "/small >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    If LabelColWidth > 0 Then
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "div class=""form-group row"" >" & vbcrlf
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "label class=""col-form-label col-md-" & LabelColWidth & """ for=""" & BName & """ >"
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "/label >"
        Rett                    = Rett & " <" & "div class=""col-md-" & 12 - LabelColWidth & """ >" & vbcrlf
        Div2Close            = " <" & "/div > <" & "/div > <" & "/div >" & vbcrlf
    End If
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "div class=""custom-control custom-checkbox"" >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "input type=""checkbox"" id=""" & BName & """ name=""" & BName & """ "
    Rett                        = Rett & " class=""custom-control-input""" & BChecked & ReadOnly & " >"
    Rett                        = Rett & " <" & "label class=""custom-control-label"" for=""" & BName & """ > " & BCaption & " <" & "/label >"
    ANBSCheckbox            = Rett & DescDiv & Div2Close
End Function

BName, NoOfBoxes, BCaptionsList,BSelectedID, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelColWidth, BLongDescription
BIDO, BNameO, BNameT, BValueO, BValueT, BCaption, BCaptionO, Checked1, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelColWidth, BTypeT, BLongDescription
BName, BValue, BCaption, ReadOnly1_ReadWrite2, LabelColWidth, BDescription

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