VBA 106 Visual Basic for Application (or macros) in most applications. Code here can also be used in VBA-Excel

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Compares between two files in binary mode and returns true if they are ...

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Deletes tree of files

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Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the parameter is a folder.

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BinaryFile_Read + BinaryFile_Save

Reads binary file in chunks, if not chuck defined, all file will be red/saved ...

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Read directories in a specified folder into a combobox Needs FrmBr having Cbo1

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Reads screen resolution, using IE this time, this one will get the active ...

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Read all Environment variables using EnvDir_All Or quickly get user folder, or ...

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Reversing a file This tip demonstrates how to reverse a whole file. This ...

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Getting most recent file in a folder

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WaitFor + ShellWait

Tell App to wait for number of seconds and Execute command and wait for it ...

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Get Hard drive SN (old fashioned way) using FileSystemObject

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Asks user for a folder tested in VBA of word as well as VBA in Excel