VBA-Excel 326
Visual basic for applications that works only in Microsoft Excel, aka macros
Sorted from new to old.
MinIF and MaxIF in Excel 2010
MinIF to calculate smallest number matching certain criteria, in Excel 2010 ...
User-Defined Formatting
Apply special Conditional Formatting, color cells based on their values. This ...
Open different Filestypes
Populate list of filetypes in Application.GetOpenFilename method. This command ...
Permission Denied error
Issue: Trying to copy file (Using VB command FileCopy) while that file was ...
Listbox height changing issue
Listbox in Excel sometimes have issue adjusting height to items added inside, ...
Disables or Enables certain Excel built-in shortcut. Code has example on how ...
ChartMaxY + ChartMinY
Calculates the maximum of the chart Y Axis to draw, the shifted one, not exact ...
Delete styles from an Excel workbook, any non-standard style will be deleted. ...