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Return how long the computer has been running. Return format is dd:hh:mm:ss ...

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Converts seconds from numbers into time in format of ...

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Converts RGB color to / from HTML format As bonus, functions RGB_ExtractColor ...

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Cookies warning

Thanks to new law in Europe, we need to show users and let them accept a ...

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Sort range or area by 5 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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Changes date format from US to International or from international to US. ...

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Sort range or area by 3 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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Sorts a range or area by 1 column given its cell address, with options to ...

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This will tests to see if strQuotedString is wrapped in quotation marks, and, ...

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CellSave (SimpleSave)

Saves value to cell without deformation and converting Used to be called ...

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Rounds the number of minutes to the nearest quarter of half like 4:32 to 4:30 ...

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Will add hyperlink in a cell to a sheet in same workbook Not Hyperlink ...

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LogSheet_Add + LogSheet_Clear

2 Functions LogSheet_Add and LogSheet_Clear to add new entry to log or clear ...

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Adds Arabic unit to a number using proper Arabic grammar Units can be ...

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Get output of DOS Command in string, by reading output into temp text file, ...

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Gets first file found matches a wildcards mask, using Dir()