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Reads setting saved in columns J:R Just like SettingRead, but when we have ...

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CellRead (SimpleLookup)

Simply reading a value from a specific cell from a sheet from a workbook ...

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Rounds the number of minutes to the nearest quarter of half like 4:32 to 4:30 ...

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Searches for an item in a column, then if found, delete that cell (not clear, ...

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Reads a value giving column, row, sheet and workbook name Accepts up to 2 ...

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MoveDown + MoveUp

Moves an item in listbox up or down Needs Lst1 as listbox name Put code ...

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Rounds a number up, like Excel function RoundUP

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FrmLarge v3

Shows an image after clicking on its thumbnail, like in web applications Can ...

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VBA Progressbar (Frm73)

Progress bar Frm73 or just simple message Zip file contains .frm and .frx ...

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Generate random using web service into ASP variable. With help of PHP, we now ...

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Returns file size in formated human way (mb, gb, etc..) Or, it can format any ...

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File Upload

Uploads a file to the server

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Make HTML File

This script will make a HTML file

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Generate random string, fully customization, with even deciding what special ...

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Paging with Alternating Colors

This script will take the results of a query and sets up number of records per ...