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Cookies usage prompt

Bootstrap 4 cookies prompt for GDPR From

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Files list to text

One of easy ways to convert list of files in a folder into list (txt files) ...

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Finds last occurrence of a match in a column Finds the row of last time an ...

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Checks if a file can be reached online or no Same as

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Detect if Browser supports Flash

Detect if Browser supports Flash or not ( using ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash) ...

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VBA vs ASP Classic

Differences between coding in VB in Classic ASP (aka VBScript) and VBA (aka ...

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HeadingZeros Remove and Add

Adds or remove zeros at start of string Used to clear heading zeros from ...

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Send To folder

Where can I find the SendTo folder? I always wanted to modify that list and ...

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Coming soon

Nice beautiful Coming soon page with progress bar

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34 Animated GIFs

Set of 34 animated gifs as preloaders (or spinners)

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WindowsProgress Preloader

Windows progress preloader in JS From

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Windows Preloader

Windows preloader in CSS3, neat, right? From

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SQL function to generate random string I thought it would be easier to find ...

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Fancybox v3 apply

The newest version, made with mobile swipe in mind, and has a lot of features, ...

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Coming soon

Web page Coming soon template with Admin panel (Under Construction)

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Construction graphics 27

27 graphics for construction, or under construction